Say hello to the

collage kit



with paper

inside you'll find an introduction to the delicious layering process, the basic materials, and my favorite tutorial videos 

Let’s get real for a minute, 

my Creative friend

Does this sound familiar?

You find an art medium and immediately want to try it, but when you think about how or where to get started, you don't know where to turn.

Maybe you get enthusiastic about exploring it, but when you sit down to start, you just feel overwhelmed and shut down. 

Or you really want to learn something new but it feels so intimidating that you give up before you even take the first step.



Which is why I made The Collage Kit.  

I've spent years experimenting, tweaking, layering, and playing with this medium until I finally distilled the basics down to a concrete, manageable process. 

I want other people to discover this tactile, playful way of creating depth and texture.  You can learn to layer semi-transparent paper and create luminous color.  


With The Collage Kit, you get:

•  my basic supply list so you know exactly what you'll need to get started

•  my curated YouTube Playlist so you can watch the videos that best show you how I build up layers and paint with paper

•  a tutorial video explaining what these supplies do, how I mix color, why I use layers of transparent paper, and how collage can be so instrumental in teaching you about color, contrast, balance, composition and more

•  and lastly, I give you a small road map for  how to start working with collage

That feeling of being drawn to something—
that’s called potential.
You deserve to follow it.

All you need is a resource to help you get started.

You are creative.

Collage is a fun, hands-on way 

to explore and develop 

that creativity.

In the kit

I tell you all about making homemade papers, how I incorporate acrylic paint, what mixed media materials I use, and show you my essential collage supplies so you know exactly where to start.

Don't know where to begin?

You're not on your own trying to figure it out.  I give you a step by step process to get started working with collage.  


Give yourself the resources to dive in.  It's absolutely free.